What is yoga?
How useful is yoga for us?
What are the benefits of yoga?
Yoga is a scientific system of physical and mental practices that originated in India more than three thousand years ago.
Its purpose is to help each one of us achieve our highest potential and to experience enduring health and happiness.
Practicing yoga is said to come with many benefits for both mental and physical health, though not all of these benefits have been backed by science.
With Yoga, we can extend our healthy, productive years far beyond the accepted norm and, at the same time, improve the quality of our lives.
Yoga works on so many different levels, it has great potential as an effective therapy for chronic diseases and conditions that do not respond well to conventional treatment methods. For this reason, children with Down Syndrome and other developmental disabilities who practice Yoga often surprise their parents and teachers with their quick mastery of basic motor,
it is important to remember that Yoga is not just a slow-motion calisthenics workout or superficial exercise routine. Anyone who practices correctly soon begins to appreciate the depth and breadth of its benefits. For this reason, I always recommend that the parents of special students enroll in an adult Yoga class; then they can experience the effects of Yoga for themselves. After a number of lessons, they may experience some of the following benefits: the relaxation and softening of deep inner tensions and blockages, a sense of body-mind equilibrium, and a feeling of energetic buoyancy that can carry one right through the most difficult of days.
Yoga begins by accepting our limitations, whatever they may be, and working with this self-acceptance as a base. In our daily practice, we gradually learn to transcend our limitations, one by one, and in this way, real and lasting progress is possible.
Hatha Yoga
Hatha Yoga begins by working with the body on a structural level, helping to align the vertebrae, increase flexibility, and strengthen muscles and connective tissue. At the same time, internal organs are toned and rejuvenated; the epidermal, digestive, lymphatic, cardiovascular, and pulmonary systems are purified of toxins and waste matter; the nervous and endocrine systems are balanced and toned; and brain cells are nourished and stimulated. The end result is increased mental clarity, emotional stability, and a greater sense of overall well-being.
Here's a list of some of the most beneficial aspects of power yoga:
It increases endurance, strength, and flexibility.
Mental endurance and physical stamina are tested through holding postures for extended breaths.
Arm and shoulder strength is increased as you use your own body weight for resistance.
Lats, traps, and other back muscles begin to support the spine better than before.
Abdominals and obliques are refined and toned through building core muscles.
Posture begins to correct itself over time.
Hip flexors are stretched and strengthened.
Glutes, quads, hamstrings, and calves are strengthened.
No matter what ails your aching body, or if you just want to take your fitness to a higher level, power yoga's ability to build muscle has an undeniable effect on the total body.
Isometric exercise
Isometric exercises are one of the best ways to build core strength. Isometric, stemming from the words “same” and “length,” simply translates to holding one position without moving. Power yoga uses isometric exercises along with other postures that are designed to make the core and back stronger. Flexibility and balance stem from your core, so it's important to train this area of the body. In turn, you can increase the strength and health of your entire body. Generally a high-temperature room is used in this practice to help keep the muscles warm and release additional toxins from the body.
communicative, and cognitive skills.
The same Yoga routine can help children with learning disabilities develop greater concentration, balance, and composure in their daily lives. Everyone gains some level of benefit. The only requirements are proper instruction and regular practice.
Yoga routine
Yoga routine can help children with learning disabilities develop greater concentration, balance, and composure in their daily lives. Everyone gains some level of benefit. The only requirements are proper instruction and regular practice.
Pranayama is the formal practice of controlling the breath, which is the source of our prana, or vital life force. Here, read up on pranayama exercises & poses, breathing techniques and sequences.
Benefits of paranayama
Pranayama, the vital part of the yogic science can be called as the art of breathing for healthy living for the miraculous health benefits it proffers.
The three simple steps of Pranayama include Puraka (Inhalation),
Kumbhaka (Retention)
and Recaka (Exhalation).
Slow and deep inhalation helps in the intake of enough oxygen for the body followed by total retention of the inhaled oxygen, which enables the system to acquire it. The final step is exhalation that is done through lungs or abdomen, where the impurities from your body are exhaled out.
The most significant health benefits of Pranayama according to Ayurveda are
Improves Cardiovascular health
As Pranayama increases the blood circulation and oxygen capacity of the blood, it helps improving the cardiovascular function of your body if practiced regularly.
Reduces risk of Hypertension
Pranayama allows the body to relax and be free of stress and tensions which helps in bringing down hypertension.
Improves Lung function
This is one of the most important health benefits of pranayama. Pranayama is the best breathing technique to get your lungs functioning properly. It is very useful for people who have breathing
problems or asthma.
Treats Depression
The health benefits of pranayama are extended to mental strength also. Practicing pranayama regularly will help treat depression and anxiety.
Weight loss
Health benefits of pranayama are not limited to the proper functioning of your internal organs. It can also help to reduce your body weight if practised regularly.
Pranayama is an excellent method to remove all accumulated toxins from your body. Among the many methods in yoga for the detoxification of our body, Pranayama is the most popular one.
Strengthens Immune system
Strengthening the immune system is one of the most important health benefits of pranayama.
If you have a history of a chronic disease or are recovering from an injury, consult your physician before commencing. Let your yoga teacher know of any injuries or pains.
Do what you easily can. There is no competition. You are expected to move at your own pace. Listen to your body and do not push yourself.
Many benefits of the yoga practice will unfold progressively. Be regular in your practice and don't give up because you can't touch your toes in the first go.
Don't get discouraged by the initial lack of flexibility or strength, it improves over time. Be patient and give your body the time to respond.
Focus on the breath, right from the beginning.
Understand that every body is unique. Everyone has different levels of strength, stamina, and flexibility. Your lifestyle and goals may also vary. Find a style of yoga that suits your needs.
Your yoga practice can do much more than lend muscle power and reduce stress. A study conducted at University of Illinois indicates that short 20-minute sessions of yoga can help your brain work better and keep your mind focused. A lot depends on the kind of asanas you perform – some of them are energizing like back bends while forward bends have a calming effect. Standing asanas build stamina and balancing asanas cultivate concentration. Twists will help you detoxify the body and release tension. If you’re new to yoga, start with these basic asanas.
“Each pose can be held for 3 to 5 long breaths. You can practice these twice a week and gradually make it a part of your daily routine,” recommeds Zubin.
Yoga is guaranteed a healthy life Make yoga a part of your life and live a healthy and tension free life...
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