What are blackheads?
How to Get Rid of BlackHeads ?
What are the reasons for being blackheads?
How to Use home remediesTips?
Blackheads are pockets of oxidized melanin on the surface of the skin.
Blackheads are a type of comedo. Comedones occur when the pores in the skin become plugged with dead skin cells and an oily, protective substance known as sebum.
Unlike whiteheads, which create closed pores, blackheads have open surfaces. This creates an oxidation that is dark in color.
Blackheads are one of the most common forms of acne. Although people who have oily skin are more vulnerable to blackheads, anyone can get them. They form when pores become clogged with a combination of dead skin cells and excess oil (sebum) from your sebaceous glands.
Blackheads are small, dark lesions that appear on the skin, often on the face and neck. They are a feature of mild acne, but they can appear without other signs of acne being present.
They contain an oxidized version of melanin, the dark pigment made by cells in the skin.
When these pores are plugged, the dead skin cells in the open pore react with oxygen in the air and turn black, forming a blackhead.
It may be tempting to try to pinch or push the black plug out, but this can cause unnecessary scarring and other damage to your skin.
You’ll likely have better results using the tips and tricks outlined below. Keep reading to learn how to get rid of your blackheads and prevent future ones from forming.
Fast facts about blackheads
Blackheads are made of oxidized melanin and not trapped dirt.
Squeezing or scrubbing at blackheads can make them worse.
To reduce blackheads, avoid oil-based skin care products, humid environments, tight clothes, and skin products that contain alcohol.
They tend to appear when hormones lead to the increased production of sebum, an oily substance, by the glands under the skin.
How can appear black heads??
Blackheads can appear on the nose because of bacteria.
They're clogged pores and technically a type of acne.
Blackheads appear most frequently on the face, back, neck, chest, arms, and shoulders. There are more hair follicles in these areas.
Exfoliating can get rid of them
There's no doubt about it: Blackheads can be a pain. They're dark little spots that are seemingly impossible to get rid of, and they always seem to crop up in the middle of your face - on your nose, more specifically.
But what are they?
" When the gunk in your pores are open to the air, they oxidize and the surface turns black - resulting in a blackhead.
But why do they always seem to be on your nose and not the rest of your face?
It all has to do with oil,
"[Blackheads] are more likely to form on the nose because the nose has lots of glands,"
"It has more than the rest of the face, which already has more oil glands than the rest of the body."
"Sebaceous filaments are in the lining of your pores and help sebum get out of the pore and lubricate your skin," she said. "Sebaceous filaments can become visible if they fill with fats and oils and appear dark. They're more linear and easier to extract than blackheads."
Some factors can increase the chance of developing blackheads.
Age and hormonal changes are an important factor. Like other symptoms of acne, blackheads are most common during puberty, when the change in hormone levels triggers a spike in sebum production. However, they can appear at any age.
Androgen, the male sex hormone, triggers greater secretion of sebum and a higher turnover of skin cells around puberty. Both boys and girls experience higher levels of androgens during adolescence.
After puberty, hormonal changes related to menstruation, pregnancy, and the use of birth control pills can also bring on blackheads in women.
Overproduction of skin cells by the body can cause blackheads.
Other factors include
the blocking or covering pores by cosmetics and clothing
heavy sweating
shaving and other activities that open the hair follicles
high humidity and grease in the immediate environment
some health conditions, such as stress, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
medications that encourage rapid skin cell turnover
use of some steroid-based drugs, such as corticosteroids
Contrary to popular belief, poor hygiene does not directly cause blackheads. Excessive scrubbing in an attempt to remove them can make them worse.
The main symptom is the small, dark lesion that gives blackheads their name.
Blackheads are a symptom of acne, but, being caused by open pores, they differ in some ways from other acne lesions.
Blackheads are non-inflammatory. This means they are not infected, and they will not cause pain and discomfort in the same way as pimples and pustules.
Blackheads have a raised texture, but they are flatter than pimples.
The change in appearance caused by blackheads can lead to embarrassment and social or psychological difficulties in some patients.
How to treat blackheads
Baking soda and water
Baking soda is such a common kitchen item that you might not realize you can eliminate blackheads with it. Dr. Dane says baking soda helps to neutralize any pH imbalance your skin may have, as well as work as an exfoliant to remove dirt, oil, and dead skin cells. To use this on your blackheads,
mix two tablespoons of baking soda and two tablespoons of water together to form a paste.
Massage the paste onto your face, rinse off with warm water, and then be sure to moisturize afterward.
This mixture could dry your skin, so don’t use it more than two or three days a week.
These are more brilliant ways to use baking soda.
Green tea
The benefits of green tea need not be emphasised. When applied on the face, the antioxidants in it help to remove impurities and clear blackheads. All you need to do is mix a tablespoon of dry green leaves with water and make a thick paste. Apply it for about 15-20 minutes on your affected areas and rinse it off with lukewarm water.
Brown sugar, honey, and lemon juice make up this exfoliation mixture that you can use on blackheads on your chin and nose.
mixing together one tablespoon of brown sugar, two tablespoons of lemon, and one tablespoon of raw honey.
When it’s mixed well, apply to your face in a circular motion, massaging it in for five minutes before rinsing it off and applying moisturizer.
Here are other homemade facial masks that can help certain skin issues.
Tomato pulp
This is a one-ingredient remedy and can work wonders for your blackheads. You just need to apply tomato pulp over affected areas before going to bed and rinse it off the next morning. Tomatoes also have antibacterial properties that dry up blackheads. Plus, tomato is a great exfoliator, and its acidic properties help in declogging pores.
Cinnamon Powder
This remedy can be used to prevent and as well as remove blackheads. Start with mixing a tablespoon each of cinnamon powder and lemon juice. You can also add a pinch of turmeric powder to it. Apply this paste on your face for 10-15 minutes, and rinse it off with normal water. Cinnamon helps to tighten the pores and improve blood circulation. Lemon juice is loaded with antibacterial properties that help to fight acne, blackheads and whiteheads.
Tea tree oil
Experts say you can apply tea tree oil directly to the affected areas to help blackheads on your chin and nose. It works in part by killing bacteria. Tea tree oil is available in a number of products, like soaps and creams, or it’s available as an essential oil.
Here’s everything you need to know about essential oils for acne.
Egg Whites
This one is super easy and effective. Just mix an egg white with a tablespoon of honey. Apply the mixture to your face and let it completely dry. Wash it off with water and get set to flaunt your glowing, blackhead-free skin. Wondering how it works? Egg white helps in tightening pores, hair follicles that produce sebum, and removing blackheads. Honey deeply nourishes the skin, making it soft and supple.
By focusing on yourself, you can become an impeccable beauty master. Take care of your health Take care of your skin so your beauty can be preserved.
Enjoy happy life.....
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