ان اللہ وملئکتہ یصلون علی النبی یا ایھا الذین آمنوا صلو علیہ وسلمو تسلیما
Surely Allah and His Angels recite Salawat on Holy prophet Oh! You believers do the same thing and send Salutations and blessings with worthy Salutations on the Prophet..... (QURAN)
Recitation of Durood Sharif daily has ineffable effect on human head and heart, mind and person.. it purifies thoughts and intensifies action. It makes passages for perfect peace and personal satisfaction. One thing must be remembered that Durood Sharif must be said in the Arabic language. Islam seeks to create a unified outlook and it is the Arabic language alone which welds all Muslims in to one great brotherhood. Beside Arabic is the language of Heaven, it is the language of prophet, it is the language of angels and it is the language of Hazrat Abu bakar, Hazrat Omer, Hazrat Ali, Hazrat Osman.
Holy prophet has said very clearly that if you are surrounded by several handicap and untold miseries, then recite Durood Sharif in abundance. (Hadith)
Hazrat Ali says that no prayer reaches God unless Durood Sharif is added to it. If a prayer with out recitation of Durood Sharif in it, it returns to the Man with out Acceptance.
The second Caliph of Islam Hazrat Omer Bin Khatab says " That the Prayer is Hanged up between Earth and Sky if Durood Sharif is not Added to it"
Allah says in Surah FATHH
The above is a command from Allah. QURAN is Witness to it. The best way of respecting the prophet is to recite maximum number of Salawat (DUROOD) on him.
Hazrat Ibu Abideen says that love of God and a very high position is given if a person recites Durood Sharif daily.
"Oh Allah! Send actual blessings and grace on Muhammad our Master who is light and this secret is spread up in all things in every corner and in every name and fame"
جزی اللہ عنا محمد ما ھوا اھلہ
This Durood Sharif is a very rewarding one. By reciting it only once, the angels go on writing good deeds in the account sheet of the recitor for full one thousand days. What a great rewar and what a great return?
Hazrat Abdullah Bin Abass a companion of HOLY PROPHET ( peace be upon him) says that HOLY PROPHET said once that if a man recites this Durood Sharif for once then for the coming one thousand days the angels of Allah will be busy in writing rewards for the recitor of this Durood.
محمد النبی الرحمہ
Allah would rain His mercy on the reader's readiness ۔Very small but blessed is a delusion۔ The luck on the reader's readiness remains kind trouble eliminates. To solve the problem, read this Darood Sharif in millions. Read from love Read from faith .
God will bless His mercy Fill the swings. Those who make their dedication to Durood Sharif their paths are easy . Those people who read this tragedy in millions, their boat has reached the coast .
Their embassies are crossing every problem that is the cause of this deception is resolved automatically...... Whenever there is a problem, read this powerful Darood Sharif, God makes it easy۔ The love of goddess in people's hearts .You want to make life bitter So love Darood Sharif . Life will be filled with happiness . Doodle Sharif spread to others.
اللھم صل علی محمد کما تحب وترضی لہ۔
It would have earned Durood Sharif's servant on the status of a believer .
Once a person appeared in the mosque of the Prophet, The Prophet (PBUH) surrounded them, Close to them .The companions were astonished , Sahaba Rizwanullah Amazed.
Who is this person?
Which has so much respect The Messenger of Allaah (peace be upon him)
Prophet said,
"When it sends a blessing on me So you would have sent these words"
These words are beloved, man gets greatness from this Durood. If someone wants to become a beloved in the world, then read this admiration. This blessing is not only a love of reading in God's sight But also in the world, it is a privilege. This is the great perfection of Durood pure, Those who make this rituals their own work Then they do not need anyone else.
This Durood Sharif helps everywhere. This tragedy has solved the problem, This blessing is heavenly help. Most often read this Durood and look at perfection with your eyes.
کلت حیلتی انت وسیلتی ادرکنی یا رسول اللہ
My steps are over No resources You handle me
When frustrated and disturbed everywhere So tie this ritual with respect On the go Sit down Wudhu۔۔ Not wudoo With every breath read more .
The more you can read keep your problems in mind read continuous for a few days and Read millions, you will see that there are signs of success. This is the solution All of the problems are saved God's mercy is with Him. The more you read, the more you will discover the signs of prosperity.
The readers always live in the shadow of God's mercy۔ Allah always loves them with His mercy. Their prayers are popular in God's favor ۔ Their faces are nourished ,Their faces are innocence. The angels pray for mercy to the readers, His status is higher in God's sight.
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: It is because of God's pleasure to read the blessings on you۔ I
f you want to receive mercy from God, read me very often ,The Prophet wants my Ummah to recite me once Durood, and send me, Allah mercy on him ten times.
مصطفیٰ جانِ رحمت پہ لاکھوں سلام
شمع بزمِ ھدایت پہ لاکھوں سلام
It is cardinal duty of every Muslim man and woman, young and old to entertain the highest respect, regard love and esteem for the prophet and his family. The recitor will get countless and matchless benefits in both the worlds, and can claim to be the lover of HOLY PROPHET. Durood Sharif must be said in the Arabic language.
DUROOD Wali,,,,,
اللھم صل علی محمد ن النبی الامی وآلہ وبارک ثابت
Oh Allah! Send blessings on Muhammad our chief, the unlettered Apostle and his family Thy favours and thy Salutations.
Hazrat Shah Waliullah Dehlvi has said that his father commanded him to recite the above DUROOD Sharif as it is the best one.
Hazrat Abu Hurraira s close companion of the HOLY PROPHET has said that if a person recites this Durood Sharif for eighty times on Friday ( after evening prayers ) then his eighty years sins are forgiven.
This is very important Durood Sharif and brings forth immediate success and for giveness.
Hazrat Zarar Bin Auzar another companion of the Holy prophet says that he used to recite this Durood Sharif and go for a fight with the non believers. In every fight he saw that the success kissed his feet. He never lost any battle on one day.
اللھم صل علی سیدنا محمد ن نور الانوار
وسر الاسرار و سید الابرار
This is Durood Noor.
Oh Allah! Shower Thy blessing on our prophet who is light actual light and mystery amongst the mysteries and the leader of excellents.
This the best Salawat in this world and mostly saints recite daily after all prayers.
*. The person who reads a thousand Durood Sharif daily in his life, he will not die until he sees his place in heaven.
*. Shaikh Zardaq says that when the writer of the book of Durood Sharif died for full one month fragrance of flowers used to come out of his grave.
*. Reciting maximum number if Durood Sharif kills all kinds of hardship.
*. Reciting Durood Sharif is just like you gave something in charity.
*. Any one who recites Durood Sharif is just as he purchased a slave and freed him.
*. Reciting countless number of Salawat washes away all sins.
*. Reciting Durood Sharif wipes off poverty and hunger.
*. Reciting too much Durood Sharif brings purity.
*. Angels of Allah shower 70 blessings on a man who recites Durood once.
*. Ambition is not complete if Durood Sharif is not recited on it.
Hazrat Shah Waliullah Dehlvi has said that his father commanded him to recite the above DUROOD Sharif as it is the best one.
Hazrat Abu Hurraira s close companion of the HOLY PROPHET has said that if a person recites this Durood Sharif for eighty times on Friday ( after evening prayers ) then his eighty years sins are forgiven.
This is very important Durood Sharif and brings forth immediate success and for giveness.
Hazrat Zarar Bin Auzar another companion of the Holy prophet says that he used to recite this Durood Sharif and go for a fight with the non believers. In every fight he saw that the success kissed his feet. He never lost any battle on one day.
اللھم صل علی سیدنا محمد ن نور الانوار
وسر الاسرار و سید الابرار
This is Durood Noor.
Oh Allah! Shower Thy blessing on our prophet who is light actual light and mystery amongst the mysteries and the leader of excellents.
This the best Salawat in this world and mostly saints recite daily after all prayers.
*. The person who reads a thousand Durood Sharif daily in his life, he will not die until he sees his place in heaven.
*. Shaikh Zardaq says that when the writer of the book of Durood Sharif died for full one month fragrance of flowers used to come out of his grave.
*. Reciting maximum number if Durood Sharif kills all kinds of hardship.
*. Reciting Durood Sharif is just like you gave something in charity.
*. Any one who recites Durood Sharif is just as he purchased a slave and freed him.
*. Reciting countless number of Salawat washes away all sins.
*. Reciting Durood Sharif wipes off poverty and hunger.
*. Reciting too much Durood Sharif brings purity.
*. Angels of Allah shower 70 blessings on a man who recites Durood once.
*. Ambition is not complete if Durood Sharif is not recited on it.
*. I pray for all who recite Durood on me, " said the Holy prophet "
*. Those who recite Durood Sharif quite often will see divine light on the dark day of the judgement.
*. If any one meets tragedy, he should recite Durood Sharif in countless numbers.
*. Reward equivalent to a big mountain ( Uhad ) is given to one who recites one DUROOD Sharif.
*.Hadith comes in, read the recitation to me frequently on your Friday. Your visit would have been present to me۔
*. In dream Hazrat Abu Zarah saw a man, a a great sinner that he was offering preyers with the angels on the sky. This sinner was a Copiest in his life time. Very much surprised Hazrat Abu Zarah wanted that this mystery be clearly solved. The Copiest told him that he had written Durood Sharif above the name of the Holy prophet for about ten lakh times during his life. The reward and high position that he got was due to all this respect and reverence for the Holy prophet.
*. Holy prophet has said very clearly that if you are surrounded by several handicap and untold miseries their recite Durood Sharif in abundance.
*. Hazrat Abu Zarah saw a man in dream who was otherwise a great sinner. Hazrat Abu Zarah saw surprised to see that he was standing in a beautiful mosque with Jewell's, diamond and rubbies on all his clothes. He was shining and was very happy and very cheerful.
Hazrat Abu Zarah asked as to what made him so happy and how he got all these benefits after death although he knew that there was nothing good in him ? The happy man replied that he used to write books of Hadith and wherever name of HOLY PROPHET Muhammad occurred, he used to write Durood Sharif. Allah was very much pleased and granted pardon plus all the graces and great many good favours.
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